“Be good at your craft. Build your network. Be willing to learn.” - Ryan Jacquot, owner, MORE Medical. A great first business visit for the CEO students discussing the vast opportunities Hancock County has to offer. Thanks for continuing to invest in Hancock County CEO!

Other News From Around The Same Time

A little game of “Disruptus” to get the brainstorming going. CEO had some fun creating unique products…Scrub-on Skates, Colorful Umbrella, Unapproachable Axe, Sharp Sounds, Pop Paper ...
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A little game of “Disruptus” to get the brainstorming going. CEO had some fun creating unique products…Scrub-on Skates, Colorful Umbrella, Unapproachable Axe, Sharp Sounds, Pop Paper ...

Thanks to CEO Alumnus Owen Northern for stopping by and discussing name badge options from NorthStar Engraving!
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Thanks to CEO Alumnus Owen Northern for stopping by and discussing name badge options from NorthStar Engraving!

Thanks to the Hancock County CEO Board for a great morning!
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Thanks to the Hancock County CEO Board for a great morning!

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